108 research outputs found

    3D-Printing of ceramic filaments with ductile metallic cores

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    The additive manufacturing of composite structures can open possibilities in the design and fabrication of devices but also demands new approaches. In this work, we use thermally reversible pastes to fabricate ceramic matrix (Al2O3) composites reinforced with continuous metallic fibres (steel). The approach is based on the micro-extrusion of ceramic–metal filaments with core–shell and layered arrangements. These filaments are employed in the additive manufacturing of dense and light-weight cellular structures that combine the stiffness and strength of the ceramic shell with the fracture resistance and energy absorption capabilities provided by the metal core. The approach can be used to extrude filaments with thin porous interlayers separating the core and the shells to create a weak fibre/matrix interphase. The cellular structures fabricated with these filaments exhibit higher compressive strengths and energy absorption capabilities than those fabricated from pure ceramics. The works of fracture of the dense composites are one to two orders of magnitude above those of the ceramic matrix (103 J/m2) while the bending strengths remain comparable to those of 3D printed alumina (200–350 MPa). The technique could be easily extended to other material combinations opening new opportunities in the additive manufacturing of multi-material parts and devices

    Is diversity good?

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    Prominent ethical and policy issues such as affirmative action and female enrollment in science and engineering revolve around the idea that diversity is good. However, even though diversity is an ambiguous concept, a precise definition is seldom provided. We show that diversity may be construed as a factual description, a craving for symmetry, an intrinsic good, an instrumental good, a symptom, or a side effect. These acceptions differ vastly in their nature and properties. The first one cannot lead to any action and the second one is mistaken. Diversity as intrinsic good is a mere opinion, which cannot be concretely applied; moreover, the most commonly invoked forms of diversity (sexual and racial) are not intrinsically good. On the other hand, diversity as instrumental good can be evaluated empirically and can give rise to policies, but these may be very weak. Finally, symptoms and side effects are not actually about diversity. We consider the example of female enrollment in science and engineering, interpreting the various arguments found in the literature in light of this polysemy. Keywords: ethics, policy, higher education, female students, minority students, affirmative actionComment: 7 page

    Thyroid cancer following nuclear tests in French Polynesia

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    BACKGROUND: Between 1966 and 1974, France conducted 41 atmospheric nuclear tests in Polynesia, but their potential health effects have not previously been investigated. METHODS: In a case-control study, we compared the radiation exposure of almost all the French Polynesians diagnosed with differentiated thyroid carcinoma between 1981 and 2003 (n = 229) to the exposure of 373 French Polynesian control individuals without cancer from the general population. Radiation exposures were estimated using measurements after the nuclear tests, age at time of each test, residential and dietary information. RESULTS: The average thyroid dose before 15 years of age was about 1.8 mGy, and 5% of the cases and 3% of the controls received a dose above 10 mGy. Despite this low level of dose, and after adjusting for ethnic group, level of education, body surface area, family history of thyroid cancer and number of pregnancies for women, we observed an increasing risk (P = 0.04) of thyroid cancer with increasing thyroid dose received before age of 15 years, which remained after excluding non-aggressive differentiated thyroid micro-carcinomas. This increase of risk per unit of thyroid radiation dose was higher (P = 0.03) in women who later experienced four or more pregnancies than among other women. CONCLUSION: The risk estimate is low, but is based on limited exposure data. The release of information on exposure, currently classified, would greatly improve the reliability of the risk estimation. British Journal of Cancer (2010) 103, 1115-1121. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605862 www.bjcancer.com Published online 31 August 2010 (c) 2010 Cancer Research U

    Magnetic domain wall curvature induced by wire edge pinning

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    open14In this study, we report on the analysis of the magnetic domain wall (DW) curvature due to magnetic field induced motion in Ta/CoFeB/MgO and Pt/Co/Pt wires with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. In wires of 20 mu m and 25 mu m, a large edge pinning potential produces the anchoring of the DW ends to the wire edges, which is evidenced as a significant curvature of the DW front as it propagates. As the driving magnetic field is increased, the curvature reduces as a result of the system moving away from the creep regime of DW motion, which implies a weaker dependence of the DW dynamics on the interaction between the DW and the wire edge defects. A simple model is derived to describe the dependence of the DW curvature on the driving magnetic field and allows us to extract the parameter sigma (E), which accounts for the strength of the edge pinning potential. The model describes well the systems with both weak and strong bulk pinning potentials like Ta/CoFeB/MgO and Pt/Co/Pt, respectively. This provides a means to quantify the effect of edge pinning induced DW curvature on magnetic DW dynamics.embargoed_20210815Herrera Diez, L.; Ummelen, F.; Jeudy, V.; Durin, G.; Lopez-Diaz, L.; Diaz-Pardo, R.; Casiraghi, A.; Agnus, G.; Bouville, D.; Langer, J.; Ocker, B.; Lavrijsen, R.; Swagten, H. J. M.; Ravelosona, D.Herrera Diez, L.; Ummelen, F.; Jeudy, V.; Durin, G.; Lopez-Diaz, L.; Diaz-Pardo, R.; Casiraghi, A.; Agnus, G.; Bouville, D.; Langer, J.; Ocker, B.; Lavrijsen, R.; Swagten, H. J. M.; Ravelosona, D

    Radiation and the Risk of Chronic Lymphocytic and Other Leukemias among Chornobyl Cleanup Workers

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    Background: Risks of most types of leukemia from exposure to acute high doses of ionizing radiation are well known, but risks associated with protracted exposures, as well as associations between radiation and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), are not clear.
 Objectives: We estimated relative risks of CLL and non-CLL from protracted exposures to low-dose ionizing radiation.
 Methods: A nested case–control study was conducted in a cohort of 110,645 Ukrainian cleanup workers of the 1986 Chornobyl nuclear power plant accident. Cases of incident leukemia diagnosed in 1986–2006 were confirmed by a panel of expert hematologists/hematopathologists. Controls were matched to cases on place of residence and year of birth. We estimated individual bone marrow radiation doses by the Realistic Analytical Dose Reconstruction with Uncertainty Estimation (RADRUE) method. We then used a conditional logistic regression model to estimate excess relative risk of leukemia per gray (ERR/Gy) of radiation dose.
 Results: We found a significant linear dose response for all leukemia [137 cases, ERR/Gy = 1.26 (95% CI: 0.03, 3.58]. There were nonsignificant positive dose responses for both CLL and non-CLL (ERR/Gy = 0.76 and 1.87, respectively). In our primary analysis excluding 20 cases with direct in-person interviews less than 2 years from start of chemotherapy with an anomalous finding of ERR/Gy = –0.47 (95% CI: less than –0.47, 1.02), the ERR/Gy for the remaining 117 cases was 2.38 (95% CI: 0.49, 5.87). For CLL, the ERR/Gy was 2.58 (95% CI: 0.02, 8.43), and for non-CLL, ERR/Gy was 2.21 (95% CI: 0.05, 7.61). Altogether, 16% of leukemia cases (18% of CLL, 15% of non-CLL) were attributed to radiation exposure.
 Conclusions: Exposure to low doses and to low dose-rates of radiation from post-Chornobyl cleanup work was associated with a significant increase in risk of leukemia, which was statistically consistent with estimates for the Japanese atomic bomb survivors. Based on the primary analysis, we conclude that CLL and non-CLL are both radiosensitive.

    Soft network composite materials with deterministic and bio-inspired designs

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    Hard and soft structural composites found in biology provide inspiration for the design of advanced synthetic materials. Many examples of bio-inspired hard materials can be found in the literature; far less attention has been devoted to soft systems. Here we introduce deterministic routes to low-modulus thin film materials with stress/strain responses that can be tailored precisely to match the non-linear properties of biological tissues, with application opportunities that range from soft biomedical devices to constructs for tissue engineering. The approach combines a low-modulus matrix with an open, stretchable network as a structural reinforcement that can yield classes of composites with a wide range of desired mechanical responses, including anisotropic, spatially heterogeneous, hierarchical and self-similar designs. Demonstrative application examples in thin, skin-mounted electrophysiological sensors with mechanics precisely matched to the human epidermis and in soft, hydrogel-based vehicles for triggered drug release suggest their broad potential uses in biomedical devices. © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reservedopen7

    Thyroid cancer risk in Belarus among children and adolescents exposed to radioiodine after the Chornobyl accident

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies showed an increased risk of thyroid cancer among children and adolescents exposed to radioactive iodines released after the Chornobyl (Chernobyl) accident, but the effects of screening, iodine deficiency, age at exposure and other factors on the dose-response are poorly understood. METHODS: We screened 11 970 individuals in Belarus aged 18 years or younger at the time of the accident who had estimated (131)I thyroid doses based on individual thyroid activity measurements and dosimetric data from questionnaires. The excess odds ratio per gray (EOR/Gy) was modelled using linear and linear-exponential functions. RESULTS: For thyroid doses \u3c5 \u3eGy, the dose-response was linear (n=85; EOR/Gy=2.15, 95% confidence interval: 0.81-5.47), but at higher doses the excess risk fell. The EOR/Gy was significantly increased among those with prior or screening-detected diffuse goiter, and larger for men than women, and for persons exposed before age 5 than those exposed between 5 and 18 years, although not statistically significant. A somewhat higher EOR/Gy was estimated for validated pre-screening cases. CONCLUSION: 10-15 years after the Chornobyl accident, thyroid cancer risk was significantly increased among individuals exposed to fallout as children or adolescents, but the risk appeared to be lower than in other Chornobyl studies and studies of childhood external irradiation

    Structural monitoring of a large archaeological wooden structure in real time, post PEG treatment

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    Large archaeological wooden structures are potentially at risk of structural failure through deformation and cracking over time if they are left untreated and their structural health is not maintained. This could be in part due to, for example, the shrinkage of waterlogged wood as it dries, or time-dependent creep processes. These dimensional changes are accompanied by associated stresses. However, there are few studies analysing the movement of large wooden structures in real time as they dry, particularly after their conservation treatment. This paper follows the structural monitoring of the Mary Rose from after the conservation treatment, where it was sprayed with polyethylene glycol, through to the ship’s air-drying process and beyond to assess the effects that drying has had on the displacement of the timbers. A laser-based target system was used to collect displacement data between 2013 and 2020 and the data showed a significant slowing of displacement as the drying reached an equilibrium